Nature conservation and management of the Krkonoše Mountains National Park
The task of caring for the protected part of the Krkonoše Mountains is the responsibility of the Administration of the Krkonoše Mountains National Park (KRNAP). Based in the town of Vrchlabí, the organisation has changed significantly in the five decades of its history as regards approach and structure. Since 1991 it has been a state-run organisation overseen by the Czech Ministry for the Environment. When tackling conservation, this is an area that requires the mutual cooperation of all four departments comprising KRNAP Administration's current organisational organisation. However, any specialist or management activities necessary to protect the reserve fall to the National Park Management Department.
Their staff ensure the following:
- supplying any technical documentation for protecting the territory and species of all natural elements, in addition to the landscape of the mountains;
- carrying out or mediating practical care for wooded and non-forested ecosystems;
- organising or directly participating in research and observation of all elements of the reserves' natural habitats, publishing findings in technical and scientific journals;
- providing all necessary information and support for the activities of other KRNAP Administration departments;
- participating in all activities that result from national and international commitments under the remit of the MoE, such as international treaties, NATURA 2000, EUROPARC Federation, IUCN, etc.